Issue 3 — Winter 1994

Source - Issue 3 - Winter - 1994 - Click for Contents

Issue 3 — Winter  1994
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This issue of Source brings with it news of a more defined and secure future for both Photo Works North and Source.

After a degree of restructuring and a series of funding applications we are now in a position to relaunch Source in a bigger format and for the first time with full colour. This has been made possible by a generous grant from The Arts Council Of Northern Ireland. The award places us in a secure position . As well as guaranteeing three more editions, it will enable us to establish office space in Belfast. From the new base we will be coordinating all our activities.

This assures a professional stance that is paramount in promoting photography at a local and national level.

Throughout Northern Ireland established spaces such as OMAC in Belfast and Clotworthy House in Antrim continue to show new work while Art centres around Northern Ireland are showing photographic exhibitions more regularly. Perhaps Photo Works North can take some credit for improvements in the structures and the noticeable increase in photographic shows which are home grown.

It remains central to any development that people express, even tenuously, their support for the range of events that have begun to emerge in the past two years. As ever we are appealing for articles or ideas for future publications.

As with forthcoming editions this issue devotes a major portion to a specific area of interest. This issue is designed to examine image manipulation. It is not intended as a definitive review of the field. We can only touch upon the complexity of technological 'progress' and the sense of panic that many of us feel as we watch the traditional silver image become eroded by the pixel.

This issue also marks Paul Seawright's move to Newport Gwent where he has taken up a post as Senior Lecturer. It is no exaggeration to say that Paul has made a major contribution to Photo Works North and photographic culture in general. He will be greatly missed. We wish Paul and his family every success.

— The Editors