Barbara Balmer
Forget me knot
This year marks the tenth anniversary of my dad's death from mesothelioma: a very painful incurable cancer whose only known cause is exposure to asbestos. There are around 4,000 deaths annually from this disease and the trend is rising. The Greater Manchester Asbestos Victim Support Group are formidable political campaigners, experts on asbestos regulations, laws and health and safety. Sharing these inspirational women's heartbreaking journeys from diagnosis to death and beyond will stay with me always. I asked the women featured here, given one last conversation with your loved one, what would you want to say? Multiplicity visualises the surreal nether world that the bereaved and grieving inhabit after the beauty of normal daily life has been destroyed by asbestos.
Jan Adamska • Marie-Claire Ashcroft • Barbara Balmer • Christopher Bethell • Lisa Blagg • Catherine Blamphin • Erica Brejaart • Casey Carlin • Rick Danks • Graham Douglas • Viv Gottlieb • Natasha Halliwell • Lynda Haney • Sophie Johnson • Katherine Marlor • Emma McKay • Johanna Steward • Fatima Yadollahi •
Blackpool and the Fylde College
BA (Hons) Photography
University of Brighton
BA (Hons) Photography
Mid Cheshire College
Foundation Degree Contemporary Photography
University of Chester
BA (Hons) Photography
Cleveland College of Art and Design
BA (Hons) Photography
University of Cumbria
BA (Hons) Photography
De Montfort University
BA (Hons) Photography and Video
University of Derby
BA (Hons) Photography
Edinburgh College of Art
BA (Hons) Photography
University College Falmouth
BA (Hons) Photography
University for the Creative Arts Farnham
BA (Hons) Photography
Glasgow School of Art
BA (Hons) Fine Art Photography
Griffith College Dublin
BA Photographic Media
Griffith College Dublin
BA Photographic Media (Part Time)
Hereford College of Arts
BA (Hons) Photography
Hereford College of Arts
FDA Photography
The National College of Art & Design
Certificate in Photography and Digital Imaging
University of Wales, Newport
BA (Hons) Photographic Art
University of Plymouth
BA (Hons) Photography
Portsmouth University
BA (Hons) Photography
Staffordshire University
FDA Creative & Cultural Industries, Digital Media
Swansea Metropolitan University
BA (Hons) Photography in the Arts