Hemya Moran
During the passing year, I've immersed myself for secluded periods of time, in the lives of people I've spotted in my daily surroundings and approached. I moved in with them, sometimes only for a few hours and sometimes for several days, immediately participating in their most intimate rituals, videotaping our interaction. I then revisit, to reenact frozen scenes extracted from the surveillance material I've collected. This way I was able to facilitate the conditions that enabled me to capture complicity between us. This process constitute another facet of my inquiries regarding the intimacy and authenticity of reenactment, occupying a contradictory position both distant, and involved, repulsed and attracted, belonging and alone; experiencing both empathy and a struggle for domination.
Claire Abraham • Felicity Hammond • Dominic Hawgood • Daewoong Kim • Shinwook Kim • Jana Koelmel • Petra Kubisova • Alix Marie • Helen McGhie • Hemya Moran • Victoria Proffitt • Ida Taavitsainen • Emma Walker • Peter Watkins •
University of Brighton
MA Photography
Central Saint Martins
MA Photography
De Montfort University
MA Photography
Goldsmiths University of London
MA Photography: The Image and Electronic Arts
Plymouth University
MA Photography
Royal College of Art
MA Photography
University of Ulster
MFA Photography
University of Westminster
MA Photographic Studies
University of Westminster
MA Documentary Photography & Photojournalism