Yixiu Xiao
The Last Super
There is a traditional festival in a part of China called 'Dog Meat Festival'. Those people have already got used to eat dogs as their meal. However, some dog lovers regard dogs as human's best friends rather than food. Eating dog is cruel and barbaric. In the original painting the last supper, Judas betrayed Jesus God. In my picture, people eating dogs represents human are betraying people's best friend. Nevertheless, people who eat dog meat, also think it is the same as other meat, such as pork, beef and lamb.
Matt MacPake • Sandra Olufsen • Yixiu Xiao •
University of Brighton
MA Photography
University of Hertfordshire
MA Photography
Kingston University
MA Photography
Manchester School of Art
MA Photography
Royal College of Art
MA Photography
Sheffield Hallam University
MArt Photography
Ulster University
MFA Photography
University of Westminster
MA Documentary Photography and Photojournalism