

Martin Reynolds

Reversing Through The Rear View

This work is part of a series of chapters in reverse, beginning with Chapter 3. It is comprised of photography, altered images and drawings to reflect on a journey through a period of trauma, cancer. It is an exploration of how a cancer diagnosis intervenes and affects both the physical and psychology of the self. It presents visually a personal record of unearthed, resurfaced deeply buried emotions and experiences. The aim is to de- stigmatise the human response to cancer and to achieve a form of catharsis. Self-portraiture forms its foundation. The objective is to share the experience, to raise awareness and to encourage a dialogue about illness, vulnerability, and masculinity. A creative / reflective Autopathography and PhotoTherapy methodology is used.

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Martin Reynolds - Ulster UniversityMartin Reynolds - Ulster UniversityMartin Reynolds - Ulster UniversityMartin Reynolds - Ulster UniversityMartin Reynolds - Ulster UniversityMartin Reynolds - Ulster UniversityMartin Reynolds - Ulster UniversityMartin Reynolds - Ulster University

Martin Reynolds - Ulster UniversityMartin Reynolds - Ulster UniversityMartin Reynolds - Ulster UniversityMartin Reynolds - Ulster UniversityMartin Reynolds - Ulster UniversityMartin Reynolds - Ulster UniversityMartin Reynolds - Ulster UniversityMartin Reynolds - Ulster University

Martin Reynolds - Ulster UniversityMartin Reynolds - Ulster UniversityMartin Reynolds - Ulster UniversityMartin Reynolds - Ulster UniversityMartin Reynolds - Ulster UniversityMartin Reynolds - Ulster UniversityMartin Reynolds - Ulster UniversityMartin Reynolds - Ulster University

Current Course:

Ulster University  MFA Photography

Iryna Baklan • Mark Bell • Claire French • Paul Greenfield • Clare Lyons • Gavin Martin • Roula Patra • John Post • Martin Reynolds • Niall Ruddy • Jolane Schaffner •


Bath Spa University
BA (Hons) Photography

Birmingham City University
BA (Hons) Photography

Arts University Bournemouth
BA (Hons) Photography

University of Brighton
BA (Hons) Photography

University of Chester
BA (Hons) Photography

Coventry University
BA (Hons) Photography

Crawford College of Art and Design
BA (Hons) Fine Art

University Of Cumbria
BA (Hons) Photography

University of Derby
BA (Hons) Photography

TU Dublin
BA (Hons) Photography

Edinburgh College
BA Professional Photography

Edinburgh College of Art
BA (Hons) Photography

Edinburgh Napier University
BA (Hons) Photography

University Centre Farnborough
BA (Hons) Photography

University for the Creative Arts Farnham
BA (Hons) Photography

City of Glasgow College
BA (Hons) Photography

Falmouth University
BA (Hons) Photography (Top Up)

Glasgow School of Art
BA (Hons) Communication and Design

University of Gloucestershire
BA (Hons) Photography

Griffith College Dublin
BA Photographic Media

Hereford College of Arts
BA (Hons) Photography

IADT Dun Laoghaire
BA (Hons) Photography

University of Central Lancashire
BA (Hons) Photography

Leeds Arts University
BA (Hons) Photography

Leeds Trinity University
BA (Hons) Photography

Limerick School of Art and Design
BA (Hons) Photography, Film & Video

University of Lincoln
BA (Hons) Photography

Manchester School of Art
BA (Hons) Photography

Middlesex University
BA (Hons) Photography

National College of Art and Design
Certificate in Photography and Digital Imaging

The Northern School of Art
BA (Hons) Photographic Practice with Moving Image

Open College of the Arts
BA (Hons) Photography

Pearse College of Further Education
QQI Level 5 & 6 Photography

Plymouth College of Art
BA (Hons) Photography

University of Portsmouth
BA (Hons) Photography

Sheffield Hallam University
BA (Hons) Photography

Staffordshire University
BA (Hons) Photography

University of Suffolk
BA (Hons) Photography

University of Sunderland
BA (Hons) Photography, Video and Digital Imaging

Ulster University
BA (Hons) Photography with Video

University of South Wales
BA (Hons) Documentary Photography

University of Westminster
BA (Hons) Photography












Urban/Suburban Landscape
