Alex O'Brien
Discontent, Aware
The source images were produced to satisfy the conditions of the Hadfield Trust Creative Travel Grant 2019. I proposed a project which would investigate the cultural and aesthetic implications of country borders, during a period of bike-travel from the UK to Greece, following a personal migratory line. The project was completed in December 2019. In the wake of global events, these ‘soft’ Schengen constructs became increasingly defined, and the findings of the project were rendered problematic. I returned to the images in search of meaning but found only vague proof of an historical experience. The camera-phone snapshots appeared now more evidential and ‘present’ than any formal compositions. In frustration, I deleted portions of these images, replacing them with algorithmic content and withdrawing a degree of control from their production. In this process, the visuality is informed solely by the existing image. Now, any meaning is applied, rather than determined - an evocation of experiencing socio-political events as hopelessly circular, pervasive, and ambiguously consuming. What follows are fractured images of removal and repetition.
Gabriel Baker Bennett • Jonny Cartwright • Matthew Cox • Lena Crowe • Hannah Faith Jackson • Kimberlee Messenger • Alex O'Brien • Joshua Smith •
Bath Spa University
BA (Hons) Photography
Birmingham City University
BA (Hons) Photography
Arts University Bournemouth
BA (Hons) Photography
University of Brighton
BA (Hons) Photography
University of Chester
BA (Hons) Photography
Coventry University
BA (Hons) Photography
Crawford College of Art and Design
BA (Hons) Fine Art
University Of Cumbria
BA (Hons) Photography
University of Derby
BA (Hons) Photography
TU Dublin
BA (Hons) Photography
Edinburgh College
BA Professional Photography
Edinburgh College of Art
BA (Hons) Photography
Edinburgh Napier University
BA (Hons) Photography
University Centre Farnborough
BA (Hons) Photography
University for the Creative Arts Farnham
BA (Hons) Photography
City of Glasgow College
BA (Hons) Photography
Falmouth University
BA (Hons) Photography (Top Up)
Glasgow School of Art
BA (Hons) Communication and Design
University of Gloucestershire
BA (Hons) Photography
Griffith College Dublin
BA Photographic Media
Hereford College of Arts
BA (Hons) Photography
IADT Dun Laoghaire
BA (Hons) Photography
University of Central Lancashire
BA (Hons) Photography
Leeds Arts University
BA (Hons) Photography
Leeds Trinity University
BA (Hons) Photography
Limerick School of Art and Design
BA (Hons) Photography, Film & Video
University of Lincoln
BA (Hons) Photography
Manchester School of Art
BA (Hons) Photography
Middlesex University
BA (Hons) Photography
National College of Art and Design
Certificate in Photography and Digital Imaging
The Northern School of Art
BA (Hons) Photographic Practice with Moving Image
Open College of the Arts
BA (Hons) Photography
Pearse College of Further Education
QQI Level 5 & 6 Photography
Plymouth College of Art
BA (Hons) Photography
University of Portsmouth
BA (Hons) Photography
Sheffield Hallam University
BA (Hons) Photography
Staffordshire University
BA (Hons) Photography
University of Suffolk
BA (Hons) Photography
University of Sunderland
BA (Hons) Photography, Video and Digital Imaging
Ulster University
BA (Hons) Photography with Video