Bettina Koeppel
This body of work is about the megalithic Moylisha Wedge Tomb also called Labbansighe in Wicklow. In Folklore, Labbansighe has been translated to “Bed of the Fairies”. This type of monument is not too common in Ireland. While researching ancient historical monuments and sites I found this wedge tomb and found plans for a potential lithium mine very close to its location. Despite being a protected monument there is potential danger for damage if mining will happen nearby. I felt it was important to document this monument before anything may happen to it. I hope that this can bring levels of awareness to these almost forgotten historical monuments that are in constant danger of getting destroyed.
Aarif Amod • Clare Balfe • Joan Doyle • Steven Doyle • Oran Harrison • Kevin Hayes • Bettina Koeppel • Tanya Smyth • Catherine Walsh •
Bath Spa University
BA (Hons) Photography
University of Bedfordshire
BA (Hons) Photography
University of Brighton
BA (Hons) Photography
University of Chester
BA (Hons) Photography
Coventry University
BA (Hons) Photography
Colchester School of Art
BA (Hons) Photography
University Of Cumbria
BA (Hons) Photography
University of Derby
BA (Hons) Photography
Edinburgh College
BA Professional Photography
Edinburgh College of Art
BA (Hons) Photography
University Centre Farnborough
BA (Hons) Photography
University for the Creative Arts Farnham
BA (Hons) Photography
City of Glasgow College
BA (Hons) Photography
Griffith College Dublin
BA Photographic Media
Hereford College of Arts
BA (Hons) Photography
University of Hertfordshire
BA (Hons) Photography
IADT Dun Laoghaire
BA (Hons) Photography
University of Central Lancashire
BA (Hons) Photography
University of Lincoln
BA (Hons) Photography
London Metropolitan University
BA (Hons) Photography
Manchester School of Art
BA (Hons) Photography
Middlesex University
BA (Hons) Photography
National College of Art and Design
Certificate in Photography and Digital Imaging
The Northern School of Art
BA (Hons) Photographic Practice with Moving Image
Open College of the Arts
BA (Hons) Photography
University of Portsmouth
BA (Hons) Photography
UCA Rochester
BA (Hons) Fashion Photography
Sheffield Hallam University
BA (Hons) Photography
University of South Wales
BA (Hons) Photography
University of South Wales
BA (Hons) Documentary Photography
Staffordshire University
BA (Hons) Photography
University of Suffolk
BA (Hons) Photography
Ulster University
BA (Hons) Photography with Video
The University of Wales Saint Trinity David
BA (Hons) Photography in the Arts
The University of Wales Saint Trinity David
BA (Hons) Documentary Photography