Interviewed by Mark Durden
Location: Modern Art, Oxford
Date: January 2003

Portrait by Warren van Rensburg
Chapter 5:
(Chapter 5 of 6, Running Time: 00:09:26)
Chapter Index: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
Chapter 5 Synopsis:
- In early '60s photographs Churches in 'Houses of God' series.
- 1983 - retrospective exhibtion in Cape Town.
- Spends several days photographing small holiday resort outside Cape Town.
- Begins to explore intimate connections between Afrikaners and their architecture.
- Decides to photograph South African structures as expressions of value.
- October 1983 - buys camper van to travel South Africa photographing structures.
- Project continues off and on for 10 years - 1983 to 1993.
- Political history of Afrikaner volk manifest in their Church architecture.
- Prior to mid 19th century Afrikaner Churches architecturally unremarkable.
- Following the liberation of the Church - architecture becomes very baroque.
- Afrikaner spirit broken by Boer War and Depression of 1920s and '30s.
- Broederbond organisation attempts to revive Afrikaner Nationalism.
- 1938-39 new church architecture emerges - triumphant, modernist expressions of Nationalism.
- Following 'total onslaught' of 1970's - Church architecture withdraws within itself.
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