Amanda Evans
Praxis - 2015
An aesthetic translation of a sequential process - the act of taking a photograph and the capture of light to make an image - 'Praxis' considers the potential of that image when interpreted by machine. Sent forth into a world no longer bound by geography, interpolated data mutates; becomes fluid; redefined - a frozen slice of time first stirs then manifests as sound - physical form represented in code. Realised as moving image: 'Praxis' slow progression echoes our anxiety when faced with change and uses the practice of photographic creation to attempt a theoretical comment on the consequences of the digital revolution as we enter a post-digital age.
Amanda Evans • Nia Lister • Georgina Martin • Hannah Meadwell • Erik Mermans • Nikita Minton • Patrick Morgan Smith •
University of Brighton
MA Photography
University of Hertfordshire
MA Photography
Kingston University
MA Photography
Manchester School of Art
MA Photography
Royal College of Art
MA Photography
Sheffield Hallam University
MArt Photography
Ulster University
MFA Photography
University of Westminster
MA Documentary Photography and Photojournalism