Nina Ijomone
Do You Ever Remember Me?, 2023
This work is a dialogue between my past and present selves. Through it, I explore how time can alter our memories and emotions, shielding us from unpleasant experiences whilst depriving us of the beauty we once cherished or evoking it. My practice is a reflection of the freedom and empowerment I feel when surrounded by nature, allowing me to reflect on myself and appreciate the small things that are often overshadowed by the fast-paced environment of modern life. In Do You Ever Remember Me? I seek to capture what refuses to be captured; the essence of these fleeting moments, preserving them and enabling others to share in the feelings and memories that they evoke. We witness what appears to be an exploding supernova, the birth and the death of the image, as the elemental nature of the photographic medium enters into a dialogue with the ephemeral nature of memory itself. By doing so, I connect with the core of my self, which resonates with the collective core of others.
Gianluca Barbazza • Cristina Filimon • Nina Ijomone • Kasia Kowalska • Therry Maltauro • Ruby Norris • Lakruwan Rajapaksha • Oleg Savca •
Bath Spa University
BA (Hons) Photography
University of Bedfordshire
BA (Hons) Photography
Arts University Bournemouth
BA (Hons) Photography
University of Brighton
BA (Hons) Photography
Cardiff Metropolitan University
BA (Hons) Photography
Carmarthen School of Art
BA (Hons) Photography
University of Chester
BA (Hons) Photography
Crawford College of Art and Design
BA (Hons) Fine Art
University Of Cumbria
BA (Hons) Photography
Griffith College Dublin
BA Photographic Media
Technological University Dublin
BA (Hons) Photography
IADT Dun Laoghaire
BA (Hons) Photography
University of East London
BA (Hons) Photography
Edinburgh College
BA Professional Photography
Edinburgh College of Art
BA (Hons) Photography
University for the Creative Arts Farnham
BA (Hons) Photography
City of Glasgow College
BA (Hons) Photography
Glasgow School of Art
BA (Hons) Communication and Design
Glasgow School of Art
BA (Hons) Fine Art Photography
Hereford College of Arts
BA (Hons) Photography
University of Hertfordshire
BA (Hons) Photography
Leeds Arts University
BA (Hons) Photography
University of Lincoln
BA (Hons) Photography
London Metropolitan University
BA (Hons) Photography
London South Bank University
BA (Hons) Photography
Manchester School of Art
BA (Hons) Photography
Middlesex University
BA (Hons) Photography
Munster Technological University
BA (Hons) Photography with New Media
National College of Art and Design
Certificate in Photography and Digital Imaging
Northern School of Art
BA (Hons) Photographic Practice with Moving Image
Open College of the Arts
BA (Hons) Photography
Pearse College of Further Education
QQI Level 6 Photography
Arts University Plymouth
BA (Hons) Photography / BA (Hons) Commercial Photography
University of Portsmouth
BA (Hons) Photography
Sheffield Hallam University
BA (Hons) Photography
University of South Wales
BA (Hons) Photography
University of South Wales
BA (Hons) Documentary Photography
Staffordshire University
BA (Hons) Photography
Ulster University
BA (Hons) Photography with Video
University of Wales Trinity Saint David
BA (Hons) Photography in the Arts
University of Wales Trinity Saint David
BA (Hons) Documentary Photography and Visual Activism