

Jess May


This project is titled ‘Ephemera’. The meanings behind this project stem from imposter syndrome and feelings of isolation. The title felt fitting for my project as I wanted to portray the topic of social anxiety as a physical being. The concept of my photos are surreal, using textures and fabrics in urban settings that standout and contrast against the background. I work with self-portraits, disguising myself in fabrics to create sinister figures. The purpose is to portray insecurity, self-perception and a lack of confidence toward inserting yourself into a setting. I played with the idea of ‘sticking out like a sore thumb’, feeling highly noticeable in mundane situations. The use of contrast and colour accentuates this out of place individual.

Jess May - Cardiff Metropolitan UniversityJess May - Cardiff Metropolitan UniversityJess May - Cardiff Metropolitan UniversityJess May - Cardiff Metropolitan UniversityJess May - Cardiff Metropolitan UniversityJess May - Cardiff Metropolitan UniversityJess May - Cardiff Metropolitan UniversityJess May - Cardiff Metropolitan University

Jess May - Cardiff Metropolitan UniversityJess May - Cardiff Metropolitan UniversityJess May - Cardiff Metropolitan UniversityJess May - Cardiff Metropolitan UniversityJess May - Cardiff Metropolitan UniversityJess May - Cardiff Metropolitan UniversityJess May - Cardiff Metropolitan UniversityJess May - Cardiff Metropolitan University

Jess May - Cardiff Metropolitan UniversityJess May - Cardiff Metropolitan UniversityJess May - Cardiff Metropolitan UniversityJess May - Cardiff Metropolitan UniversityJess May - Cardiff Metropolitan UniversityJess May - Cardiff Metropolitan UniversityJess May - Cardiff Metropolitan UniversityJess May - Cardiff Metropolitan University

Current Course:

Cardiff Metropolitan University  BA (Hons) Photography

Holly Blain • Megan Challis • Deborah Cumming • Eleanor Darwin • Krystle Davies • Pippa French • Perran Jack • Robert Kelson • Jess May • Anne - Marie Robst • Emily Fung Yee Tsang • Lucy Webb • Oluwafisayomi Jennifer Williams •


Bath Spa University
BA (Hons) Photography

University of Bedfordshire
BA (Hons) Photography

University of Bolton
BA (Hons) Photography

BA (Hons) Documentary Photography and Print

University of Brighton
BA (Hons) Photography

Cardiff Metropolitan University
BA (Hons) Photography

University of Chester
BA (Hons) Photography

Crawford College of Art and Design
BA (Hons) Fine Art

University of Cumbria
BA (Hons) Photography

University of Derby
BA (Hons) Photography

Griffith College Dublin
BA Photographic Media

TU Dublin
BA (Hons) Photography

IADT Dún Laoghaire
BA (Hons) Photography

Edinburgh College
BA Professional Photography

Edinburgh College of Art
BA (Hons) Photography

Edinburgh Napier University
BA (Hons) Photography

Falmouth University
BA (Hons) Photography

University for the Creative Arts Farnham
BA (Hons) Photography

Glasgow School of Art
BA (Hons) Fine Art Photography

City of Glasgow College
BA (Hons) Photography

Hereford College Of Arts
BA (Hons) Photography

University of Hertfordshire
BA (Hons) Photography

Leeds Art University
BA (Hons) Photography

Limerick School of Art and Design
BA (Hons) Photography and Moving Image

London Metropolitan University
BA (Hons) Photography

London South Bank University
BA (Hons) Photography

Manchester Metropolitan University
BA (Hons) Photography

Middlesex University
BA (Hons) Photography

Morley College London
BA (Hons) Photography (Top-Up Part-Time)

National College of Art and Design
Certificate in Photography and Digital Imaging

The Northern School of Art
BA (Hons) Photography

Open College of the Arts
BA (Hons) Photography

Pearse College of Further Education
QQI Level 6 Photography

University of Portsmouth
BA (Hons) Photography

Sheffield Hallam University
BA (Hons) Photography

Solent University
BA (Hons) Photography

University of Suffolk
BA (Hons) Photography

Teesside University
BA (Hons) Photography

Ulster University
BA (Hons) Photography with Video

University of Wolverhampton
BA (Hons) Photography












Urban/Suburban Landscape
