Giles Stokoe
180 Seconds of Forever
With his project 180 Seconds of Forever, Giles Stokoe challenges a number of precepts within landscape photography. Each location is represented by fragments taken from several tens of images, each individually focussed and exposed, and corresponding to where his attention was drawn while at each location, rather than an artificially imposed rectangle. The duration of his experience is acknowledged by movement of the subject and by changes in the light, and by the accompanying 180-second composite soundscape. These soundscapes also encourage us to consider what the eye cannot see within a landscape photograph, referencing not only the ecology, but also that the Evolutionary Aesthetic for which our Pleistocene brains yearn is increasingly hard to find in our Anthropocene reality.
Susan Bell • Lizzie Brewster • Ainoa Burgos Gonzalez • Reece Coyle • Jemma Day • Sebastian F. Mahon • Soham Joshi • James Kendall • Yu-Chen Lee • Andy Lloyd • Andrew Nutton • Gurnoor Singh • Giles Stokoe •
University of Brighton
MA Photography
IADT Dún Laoghaire
MRes Photography
Falmouth University
MA Photography
London College of Communication
MA Photojournalism and Documentary Photography (Online)
University of Portsmouth
MA Photography
Royal College of Art
MA Photography
University of South Wales
MA Documentary Photography